For the next Ybbs Workshop on 16 May 2024, we are inviting all Ybbs residents - current and ‘Zugraste’ or even former residents - to send us YOUR personal sound, whatever is typical for them, or reminds them of Ybbs, or makes Ybbs special. Voices, everyday occurrences and whatever captures YOUR moment with Ybbs can be brought to the Ybbs workshop or simply uploaded here.... and if you want to be completely experimental, you can also capture emotions and smells as sound. Whether spontaneously recorded with a mobile phone or captured with professional equipment - all variations are allowed. Please add a title to the files and fill in the PDF so that we can contact you!
You can find more information about the project at:
We are looking forward to short and long, self-made and self-heard, current and past or future noises, sounds, sound samples and music!
AND it's best if you just come round and we'll do it with you! FLORIAN WIENCEK gives insights into his work and how he designs the archiving of sound, soundscapes and everything around it. As a composer, digital humanist and sound designer, he is interested in the question: How can sound contribute to documentation and archiving in connection with a place?
We are delighted with this commitment and can only encourage other forms of archiving and collecting data content. Ybbs will gain international visibility and those involved can help shape it!
The already active collection of Ybbs building history can be added to at any time! Join us: